Hi, I'm Reece.


I'm a Front End

About Me

I am a Front End Developer based in Moray, Scotland. I enjoy designing websites and building them with React and TypeScript.

I started out my journey as a Front End Developer building basic hobby sites using plain HTML, CSS and Javascript. I began working with Angular in 2019. I spent a few years working with this framework, before moving on to React and Typescript. I have been developing my React skills and building sites with NextJS and Typescript since the summer of 2021. I am currently employed by The Football Pools as a Senior Software Engineer, working in the Front End Team.

I am passionate about writing clean, efficient code and I'm also very interested in exploring new technologies.


I have 6 years professional expierience working as a front end developer, and a further 6 years prior to this as a hobbyist/student. Below is a breakdown of how long I have been working with different languages and frameworks, in both a personal and professional capacity.

  • HTML, CSS and JS - 10+ years
  • Angular - 2 years
  • React - 3+ years
  • NextJS - 3+ years
  • Typescript - 3+ years

My Projects

Allus Interactive
Allus Interactive

I built this website to showcase my work as an Indie Game Developer. This site is built using NextJS, Typescript and the Hygraph CMS.

View Website
Movie Search
Movie Search

This site uses the OMDb API to display media based on search parameters. This portfolio piece demonstrates my understanding of Redux state management, api routes and react state and hooks.

View Project
Pokedex App
Pokedex App

This site is a basic portfolio piece built using sveltekit. I have implemented the PokeAPI to display different pokemon based on the generation they are viewing.

View Project
Advent of Code
Advent of Code

Advent of Code is an advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language. This site tracks my progress and solutions.

View Advent of code

My Journey

This timeline charts my course through the world of web development. From starting out as a casual hobbyist, to undertaking a degree at my local college, to finding employment as a professional developer. This is a complete timeline of my journey as a Front End Developer... so far.

Contact Me